In this course, you will develop a deeper understanding of the physical, chemical and biological properties and components of soil, focusing on how these interact to influence optimal plant growth. It builds on the concepts of soil texture, structure, nutrients and water movement, introduced in the L3 programme.

Surfaces focuses on surface performance: how the players and the ball interact with the sports surface in the context of each different sport.
Managing sports turf to deliver the best surface performance involves knowing the specific playing quality requirements for the sport; knowing the performance standards of that sport and measuring the relevant aspects of surface performance; and carrying out the turf management tasks that will improve or maintain the standard of surface performance.
This course looks in depth at the turf management needed for a range of sports on natural turf, and the advantages and disadvantages of different types of artificial sports surfaces and their maintenance requirements.

Rootzones provides a comprehensive understanding of how different factors interact within a sports turf rootzone, and the impact these have on turf growth, particularly where there are problems with drainage and compaction.

It looks at how to evaluate your turf area’s rootzone and the options for modifying or renovating the rootzone depending on the problem. Partial and full reconstruction options, plus sports turf reinforcing and turf replacement systems are also covered.

This course builds on understandings of turf growth and water movement from the L3 programme and soils from L4.

Drainage covers the knowledge required to assess poorly draining sports turf, identify possible causes, and determine the best solution from a wide range of drainage options. Types and layouts of drains, various pipe materials, and backfill materials are discussed.

This course also requires learners to install a basic pipe drain following given specifications.

Drainage builds on learners’ understanding of soil water movement from Soils and some rootzone renovation options from Rootzones.

Irrigation is a very practical course focusing on being familiar with the installation and maintenance procedures for a sports turf irrigation system, as well as operating a programmable irrigation system, evaluating the water application and adjusting for any errors.

This Level 4 course builds directly on Level 3 Irrigation which covered plant water requirements, different sports turf irrigation systems, fixed irrigation system components, soil water management and basic maintenance procedures.

Establish covers the skills and knowledge needed to assess a potential area for establishment or renovation, plan the task, renovate or establish a new sports turf rootzone and surface, and maintain the newly established turf.
It builds on knowledge covered in Soils and requires the use of seedbed cultivation and seeding machinery and equipment from Machinery.

Pests, Weeds and Diseases provides an understanding of the types of agrichemicals used for sports turf PWD control and how they work, including issues such as agrichemical resistance and agrichemical degradation.
It also covers the planning, implementation and evaluation skills needed to carry out a control programme effectively, with a focus on accurate calibration of a boom sprayer.
The course builds on knowledge of pests, weeds and diseases and agrichemical application skills developed in the Level 3 programme.

Fertiliser provides a thorough understanding of nutrient requirements, availability and loss for a specific turf area and how a fertiliser programme will meet these requirements. It provides practical skills in reviewing and modifying fertiliser applications based on physical application factors and turf response.

This course builds on the knowledge of turf nutrient needs and fertiliser applications introduced in the Level 3 programme.

Operations covers the development of the operational, financial, technological, health and safety, and staff supervision skills needed to plan and manage sports turf operations.
It builds on the component knowledge and practical skills learned across years one and two of the Level 3 and Level 4 programmes but introduces new business concepts such as budgeting, planning and using technology to inform decision-making.